Explore our selection of standard sizes to personalize your name cards.
How to choose the perfect fit?
If you have a design, verify its dimensions using Adobe Acrobat's 'Check Document Property' function; discover more details here. Don't have a design yet? Utilize our templates tailored for the specified sizes.
Why only one option?
Prinitng is offered on front only due to the nature of the material that is translucent. If both sides are printing, will create an artwork overlap that will cause confusion.
Why is 300g Frosted Card perfect for you?
Explore our 300g Frosted Card, ideal for a refined and distinctive touch. Designed to impart a subtle yet sophisticated texture, this card offers a unique blend of durability and elegance. Perfect for projects requiring a modern aesthetic and tactile appeal, the Frosted Card elevates your designs with its smooth, translucent finish. Whether for premium business cards or creative marketing materials, choose this option to ensure your creations leave a lasting impression with a touch of innovation.
Why rounded corner?
Choose rounded corner for a more specialised look compared to the standard card shape. Able to communicate certain amount of effort put into your item to create a good impression for your brand.Choose a Quantity & Delivery Date