custom printing services for Human Standee

Print Human Standee

Starting from S$57.12

High-quality human standee printing services at affordable prices.

Please follow our artwork preparation guidelines to ensure that your artwork file is set up correctly.

  • 1. Use CMYK colour mode

    Except for silkscreen and pad printing, files should be prepared in CMYK colour mode. Keep in mind that if the setup is wrong, colours on the finished product may differ from the file you sent. Here is how to set your artwork to CMYK colour mode in Adobe Illustrator.

  • 2. Use an image resolution of at least 150 DPI

    To avoid blurriness, use only images and graphics that have a resolution of 150 DPI or more. Before sending your files, make sure to embed your images into the file.

  • 3. Use the right values for black elements

    When setting up black text, thin lines and small elements, use pure black, i.e. C = 0, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 100).

  • 4. Use maximum 2 colours for lines that are finer than 2 pt

    If lines are 2 pt thick or less, use only 1 or 2 colours. 4 colours may be used for thicker lines.

  • 5. Convert all fonts to outlines, or embed them in your file

    To avoid issues with fonts when submitting your file(s), make sure to convert fonts to outlines, or to embed all fonts when saving to PDF.

  • 6. Save and upload your artwork files as PDF/X-1a

    The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Where possible, submit your files in PDF format. See why PDF/X-1a is the right format for printing.

  • 7. Check for overprint

    Make sure that no elements are set on overprint, unless you need them to be.

Our free templates provide you with all the information you need to correctly prepare your artwork files for printing. Simply download the template that matches your desired product configuration.

If you have any questions about the product and ordering process, please have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Click here!. If can't find your question in our FAQ section, you can reach our friendly customer support on +65 3159 3042.

  • 1. Which size should I order?

    Please get an understanding of the sizes first, before placing an order. When preparing the artwork file, make sure to have the file settings corresponding to the selected format.

  • 2. How do you make sure that the Standee is in balance when standing?

    Our metal stand provides sufficient stability to your standee. It will be placed so that, the standee is as balanced as possible. Please remember this when creating the artwork.

  • 3. Are there any advices I should know when preparing the artwork?

    In general, the artwork has not many restrictions. Please bear in mind that for large format items, the level of detail on the product (for example the font) must be adjusted accordingly. Some of your customers might be looking from a certain distance at your product.

  • 4. How do I indicate which cutting shape I want on the product?

    When preparing the artwork file, please include a technical layer which indicates the die-cut line for the artwork. The technical layer needs to be the top layer of your file. 

  • 5. Which cutting technique will be used?

    We both use a plotting machine and hand-cutting depending on the quantity you order. For lower quantities, it is recommended to remember this when creating the artwork because the best results will be produced when making the outline cut-friendly.

  • 6. Which grain structure will the finished product have?

    The PP Hollow Board product will have a vertical grain structure. Through this, the stability of the product will be increased because the weight will be distributed across the material.

  • 7. I can't find what I'm looking for. Can I request a quote?

    If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

  • 8. How can I upload my files?

    Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

  • 9. Which formats can I upload?

    For n, please upload your files using the PDF format.

1. Choose Your Options

    • * Width must be between 61 cm and 106.68 cm
    • * Height must be between 153 cm and 183 cm
    • * Your number of pages is not available.


Size (Width x Height)

Material type


Cutting Shape


Details about ordering Human Standee

  • Please note that you are required to upload artwork in PDF format with CMYK color mode. Only vector image is printable.
  • Please follow our artwork guidelines, to ensure an optimal print result.
  • Please note that cutting line on the base has to be straight line.
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Human Standee

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  • ProductHuman Standee
  • Material TypePP Hollow Board 5mm
  • Format61cm x 168cm
  • Cutting ShapeCut-Out Shape
  • StandWithout Stand
  • PrintingOutdoor Printing
  • Quantity
  • Delivery date

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        Guides and Tools

        Everything you need to know to get your Artwork ready

        Please follow our artwork preparation guidelines to ensure that your artwork file is set up correctly.

        • 1. Use CMYK colour mode

          Except for silkscreen and pad printing, files should be prepared in CMYK colour mode. Keep in mind that if the setup is wrong, colours on the finished product may differ from the file you sent. Here is how to set your artwork to CMYK colour mode in Adobe Illustrator.

        • 2. Use an image resolution of at least 150 DPI

          To avoid blurriness, use only images and graphics that have a resolution of 150 DPI or more. Before sending your files, make sure to embed your images into the file.

        • 3. Use the right values for black elements

          When setting up black text, thin lines and small elements, use pure black, i.e. C = 0, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 100).

        • 4. Use maximum 2 colours for lines that are finer than 2 pt

          If lines are 2 pt thick or less, use only 1 or 2 colours. 4 colours may be used for thicker lines.

        • 5. Convert all fonts to outlines, or embed them in your file

          To avoid issues with fonts when submitting your file(s), make sure to convert fonts to outlines, or to embed all fonts when saving to PDF.

        • 6. Save and upload your artwork files as PDF/X-1a

          The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Where possible, submit your files in PDF format. See why PDF/X-1a is the right format for printing.

        • 7. Check for overprint

          Make sure that no elements are set on overprint, unless you need them to be.

        Our free templates provide you with all the information you need to correctly prepare your artwork files for printing. Simply download the template that matches your desired product configuration.

        If you have any questions about the product and ordering process, please have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Click here!. If can't find your question in our FAQ section, you can reach our friendly customer support on +65 3159 3042.

        • 1. Which size should I order?

          Please get an understanding of the sizes first, before placing an order. When preparing the artwork file, make sure to have the file settings corresponding to the selected format.

        • 2. How do you make sure that the Standee is in balance when standing?

          Our metal stand provides sufficient stability to your standee. It will be placed so that, the standee is as balanced as possible. Please remember this when creating the artwork.

        • 3. Are there any advices I should know when preparing the artwork?

          In general, the artwork has not many restrictions. Please bear in mind that for large format items, the level of detail on the product (for example the font) must be adjusted accordingly. Some of your customers might be looking from a certain distance at your product.

        • 4. How do I indicate which cutting shape I want on the product?

          When preparing the artwork file, please include a technical layer which indicates the die-cut line for the artwork. The technical layer needs to be the top layer of your file. 

        • 5. Which cutting technique will be used?

          We both use a plotting machine and hand-cutting depending on the quantity you order. For lower quantities, it is recommended to remember this when creating the artwork because the best results will be produced when making the outline cut-friendly.

        • 6. Which grain structure will the finished product have?

          The PP Hollow Board product will have a vertical grain structure. Through this, the stability of the product will be increased because the weight will be distributed across the material.

        • 7. I can't find what I'm looking for. Can I request a quote?

          If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

        • 8. How can I upload my files?

          Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

        • 9. Which formats can I upload?

          For n, please upload your files using the PDF format.