How should I prepare my artwork? Are there any particular requirements or recommendations?
The way you prepare your artwork is crucial, because it directly impacts the quality of the final product. To maximize quality, your artwork will need to follow a couple of basic guidelines.
We have listed the main artwork requirements for you on this checklist. It is IMPORTANT that you take note on these recommendations to ensure the best printing quality for your products.
How should I upload my artwork?
To upload your artwork, please click "Upload Now" on the Ordering page. If you don't have the file yet or you miss this step, you can proceed to Checkout first and upload the file later under "My Orders" in your Dashboard,
If you encounter any issue to upload your artwork file, please call us at +65 3159 3042, OR send us an email containing your artwork file and order number
What is the basic guidelines for setting up my artwork?
To create a print-ready file, it is best to configure all the settings before you start to design. This involves setting the correct dimension (size) of your artwork, bleed and safety margin, correct color mode and resolution. For more information kindly visit our blogs
What color can I choose when printing with Gogoprint?
Gogoprint uses CMYK color mode for all of our products except for promotional items that requires Pantone/Spot color. To learn about the code and their difference, please check our blog
To avoid color deviations, we advise to check the color mode of your artwork before placing the order. Any color mode will automatically convert to CMYK once you upload the file online.
How can I check the resolution of my artwork?
Not all software will allow you to check the resolution, especially if you use an online design software. Any images in your digital artwork, including logos, must meet a certain DPI threshold in order for the final print to look wonderful as you want it to be.
To learn on how to check the resolution of your artworkor, please visit our blogs
I need to REVIEW and approve my artwork to proceed with printing. How can I do that?
1. Have a look in the mail which was sent to you. On the bottom, click "Review Online Proof" to log-in on our website.
2. Log-in to “My Account”
3. Click on “My Orders”, select the relevant order and click “VIEW”
4. Click “Check Proof”
5. If everything is fine, check the confirmation box and click "Start production" if you would like to print the file as seen in the online proof. Click “Re-upload new artwork file" if you would like to change the artwork.
Note: It is recommended that the online proof file is opened only in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat with the following settings (click):
Use Overprint Preview: Always
Smooth Images: No
Enhance thin lines: No
Use Local Fonts: No
I need to REUPLOAD a new artwork to proceed with printing. How can I do that?
1. Have a look in the mail which was sent to you. On the bottom, click "Reupload artwork" to log-in on our website.
2. Log-in to “My Account”
3. On "Account Dashboard", select the order for which you would like to reupload the file. Click "VIEW ORDER".
4. Click “Re-Upload”
5. Click "Upload files". You can delete the unwanted files.
6. Check "Confirm that there are the correct files".
6. Click "Submit"
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