While digital marketing seems to be on the rise and traditional marketing methods are becoming less common, the latter does remain an effective marketing strategy up to this day. Flyers are one of the traditional marketing methods that are great to be used for promoting your business’ products, services or events. You could simply engage with companies that offer flyer design services online instead of visiting the physical stores too. In this article, you can find out more on how to create an impactful flyer design! 

How Can Flyers Help Your Business?

If you think flyers aren’t as effective to promote your business, think again! Flyers are one of the best marketing strategies to promote your products, services or events to your target audience. A great flyer design captures attention, sparks interest, and compels people to read more about your business's goals.

Image alt text: how to design flyer that actually get read how can flyers help your business

9 Tips to Design Flyers That Actually Get Read

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Before coming up with a flyer design, you’ll need to gain a thorough understanding of your audience. The overall design, tone, style and the message it delivers should resonate with your target audience. 

One way to get to know your audience would be to identify the demographics such as age, occupation, interests, gender, and so on. That way, you’ll be able to capture their attention and encourage them to read your flyers and engage with the business.

2. Create a Flyer with Clear and Compelling Headline for Audience to Read

A headline is also one of the most important aspects when it comes to creating a flyer. You should write a headline that is interesting to the readers and encourages them to read more about what your business offers. The words should be attractive and clearly state what you’re offering or selling. 

3. Use High-quality Images and Graphics that Relate to Your Flyers’ Content

Images and graphics are one of the main features of a great flyer design. It’s recommended to create flyers with high-quality images and graphics as it will look more professional and attractive. 

It’s also important for the images and graphics to relate to what was designed and written in the flyers to make it more impactful and engaging to the target audience. A well-chosen image paired with your content acts as a visual hook, drawing readers in and keeping them engaged with the material.

4. Keep the Text in the Flyers Concise and to the Point.

When learning how to design flyers, you should always avoid long paragraphs or walls of text. Visitors don’t have time to read all of the text or content. You should include text or content that is straightforward for the audience to read and understand quickly

5. Incorporate a Strong Call-to-Action in the Flyers

A clear call to action in your flyer’s design is essential. It should entice the audience to learn more about your business, whether by calling or visiting your website. The call-to-action should also be captivating enough to make your target audience curious to read and know more about your business. 

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6. Design Your Flyer with an Eye-catching Color Scheme

Colors are vital when it comes to any type of flyer design and printing. With a great colour theme, the flyers will make your brand stand out and make it easy for people to recognize your business. But don’t overdo the colours by including too many colors on the flyer as it will look too messy and unattractive. 

Also check out the The Do’s and Don’ts in Flyer Printing

7. Ensure Readability with Appropriate Fonts and Sizes

Using the right font and size makes a difference in creating an attractive flyer. You can use fonts that are easy to read within the first look. The font size should not be too small or large and ideally can be seen from afar. Try to avoid using too many fonts within one flyer as well. 

Here are some Trending Fonts in 2024 for Advertising to get you started.  

8. Maintain a Balanced Layout in the Flyer’s Design

With a well-balanced layout, your target audience can navigate the entire flyer easily without feeling confused about what the flyer is about. Do remember to leave whitespace in between so that all the essential information will be more prominent. 

9. Include Essential Contact Information in Your Flyer’s Design

If you want your target audience to reach out to you, ensure that all your important contact information is stated clearly on the flyer. Include your social media accounts if you have them as well. You should also remember to place your contact information strategically on your flyer. 

Print Your Flyers with Gogoprint Today!

When you’re designing a flyer, the key is to ensure that it serves a greater purpose other than just looking attractive. It should encourage your target audience to engage with your business and help you achieve your marketing goals. 

Don't have a design ready? If you need assistance creating a great flyer, let our experts at Gogoprint handle the flyers’ design for you.

Learn more about our flyer printing options in Gogoprint Singapore here today!